Weight Loss Break Through
Imagine what you could accomplish with support, accountability and a food program that is uniquely tailored to you...
More than ever, the greatest gift we can give ourselves to get through these times is a strong mind and body.Your mission should you choose to accept it is to break free from the habits that keep you overweight & lose 8-30 lbs in 8-weeks so you feel healthy and confident and leave the weight gain rebound behind forever!
Bird's-Eye View
Week 1-2: Customized Nutrition Path
In your first two weeks, we'll help you develop a healthy eating style that matches your metabolic type and lifestyle so that it is easy to follow and naturally satisfying. At the same time, by focusing on nourishing foods and a routine, you'll unhook from the irresistible foods that keep you craving the bad stuff.
In two short weeks, you'll start to break free from the habits that were keeping you overweight, tired and foggy and be on your way to feeling better.
Weeks 3-5: Reset your Metabolism with a Liver and Colon Detox
The secret of permanent weight loss is detoxing as you go so that your body can lose fat and inflammation and you can avoid the weight gain rebound!
Your fat cells are the land fills of the body. They hold onto toxins that your body can't detox. The missing piece of most weight loss programs is detoxification. If you don't detoxify as you lose fat, then when your fat cells release the toxins they've been holding your body will produce inflammation and you won't lose weight! We'll spend 3 weeks teaching you the secrets to detoxification with tested and true protocols to support your liver and colon so that you can reset your metabolism, lose weight quickly and keep it off!
Weeks 6-7: Gut Restore
Ignore gut health and you will not achieve the long term health that you really want! In these two weeks, you'll learn how to eat to restore gut health and which supplements are helpful and which are not.
This will allow you to continue to restore your energy, and improve your mental clarity and mood. As you learn to improve your digestion, nourish your gut, and stop doing things which damage the gut, you'll start to eliminate any of those frustrating symptoms of poor gut health like bloating, gas and burping.
Week 8: Integration and Experimentation
Learn how to integrate everything that you've learned into your lifestyle and how to set yourself up to continue towards permanent weight loss. And, we'll help you figure out what the next step is along your path so that you can continue to reach your natural weight or live fit, free and happy at your goal!
Next Weight Loss Break Through Starts October 2020
- Participate from the comfort and safety of your living room with a combination of recorded modules and live coaching on Zoom with Ti so that you can benefit from the magic of the group momentum and get inspiration and help if you get stuck
- Recorded trainings available weekly so that you can learn at your own pace and go back and review key concepts
- 8 Live Coaching Calls with Ti on Thursdays at 4pm OR 7pm PDT so that you can get all of your questions answered and feel motivated and inspired every week at whatever time works for your schedule
- Coaching calls are recorded and available to review if you miss a class or want to review something at your own pace
- Access to all of the recordings for an additional 6 weeks after the class ends
Still have questions?
Fill out this form for a free weight loss break through exploratory call with Ti!
Read the Amazing Praise participants have given us >
Dr. Ti Caudron, PhD is a pioneer in the development of revolutionary Weight Loss Cleanse Programs for women over 40 (and their husbands, sons and daughters!).
At Vitaliti Wellness, we combine the best research in whole food nutrition, genomics, metabolism and supplementation to provide easy, fun programs that make weight loss inevitable. And our passion is helping you live at your natural weight - fit, free and happy without regaining the weight!
During a Vitaliti Wellness Program, we use our Rapid Success Formula so that in the first month, you'll achieve:
- 10-25 pound reduction in body fat
- 2-4 inches off your waistline
- 1-3 size drops in clothing size
- Better muscle tone
- Decreased cellulite and firmer skin
- Disappear your food and sugar cravings
- Faster metabolism
- Increased energy
- Healthier hair and skin
- And so many health benefits!
Drawing from the most up to date, scientifically proven information, founder, Ti Caudron, PhD, is one of the world's best at developing and delivering programs that are easy to follow, fun, and effective.
Ti Caudron, PhD, the Creator of the Keto Cleanse, the Vitaliti RESET, the Zippi has and the new Gut Awesome! and the Weight Loss Break Through has successfully coached over 10,000 people through her programs. She is an expert at analyzing your metabolism using the latest technology to give you week-to-week feedback on your progress. Her insights and coaching will provide the lasting success you are searching for.
These programs are for you if you do well with clear structure, group support and accountability and personalized coaching.
Need Online, Start Anytime Classes?
Register for the Online RESET
Register for the Online Zippi
Register for the Online Keto Cleanse
“After years of infertility treatments and having three kids in less than 2 years, my body was a mess. I was overweight, tired and moody and felt like I could not get out of my “bad cycle.” Doing the Vitaliti programs and frequent practice of The Dailey Method unlocked the key for me — I lost 14 lbs in 5 weeks and got my “pre-kids”body back, which I thought was gone forever! No more negative self talk in the morning getting dressed. No more shame when I look in the mirror. I feel empowered, glowing and happy and tremendous gratitude for the gift of this winning combination. My entire relationship with food and health is changed for life.”
- Jackie D., Mother of 3
“Ti Caudron and her Vitaliti programs are truly best in class. Though I thought I already really understood a lot about nutrition, Ti took it to another level. I learned SO much not only about what I ate, but when and why. The results were amazing. We tracked really important information about our bodies, beyond just pounds lost. I really feel like I have a great understanding of my body composition & metabolism now. And Ti makes it fun. She has a hilarious sense of humor, and ability to tap into your deepest motivations.”
- Susan Willrich
Owner of Piedmont and Berkeley “The Dailey Method”
Imagine what you could accomplish with support, accountability and a food program that is uniquely tailored to you...
More than ever, the greatest gift we can give ourselves to get through these times is a strong mind and body.
Your mission should you choose to accept it is to break free from the habits that keep you overweight & lose 8-30 lbs in 8-weeks so you feel healthy and confident and leave the weight gain rebound behind forever!
Week 1-2: Customized Nutrition Path
In your first two weeks, we'll help you develop a healthy eating style that matches your metabolic type and lifestyle so that it is easy to follow and naturally satisfying. At the same time, by focusing on nourishing foods and a routine, you'll unhook from the irresistible foods that keep you craving the bad stuff.
In two short weeks, you'll start to break free from the habits that were keeping you overweight, tired and foggy and be on your way to feeling better.
Weeks 3-5: Reset your Metabolism with a Liver and Colon Detox
The secret of permanent weight loss is detoxing as you go so that your body can lose fat and inflammation and you can avoid the weight gain rebound!
Your fat cells are the land fills of the body. They hold onto toxins that your body can't detox. The missing piece of most weight loss programs is detoxification. If you don't detoxify as you lose fat, then when your fat cells release the toxins they've been holding your body will produce inflammation and you won't lose weight! We'll spend 3 weeks teaching you the secrets to detoxification with tested and true protocols to support your liver and colon so that you can reset your metabolism, lose weight quickly and keep it off!
Weeks 6-7: Gut Restore
Ignore gut health and you will not achieve the long term health that you really want! In these two weeks, you'll learn how to eat to restore gut health and which supplements are helpful and which are not.
This will allow you to continue to restore your energy, and improve your mental clarity and mood. As you learn to improve your digestion, nourish your gut, and stop doing things which damage the gut, you'll start to eliminate any of those frustrating symptoms of poor gut health like bloating, gas and burping.
Weeks 8: Integration and Experimentation
Learn how to integrate everything that you've learned into your lifestyle and how to set yourself up to continue towards permanent weight loss. And, we'll help you figure out what the next step is along your path so that you can continue to reach your natural weight or live fit, free and happy at your goal!
Next Weight Loss Break Through
Starts October 2020
Starts October 2020
- Participate from the comfort and safety of your living room with a combination of recorded modules and live coaching on Zoom with Ti so that you can benefit from the magic of the group momentum and get inspiration and help if you get stuck
- Recorded trainings available weekly so that you can learn at your own pace and go back and review key concepts
- 8 Live Coaching Calls with Ti on Thursdays at 4pm OR 7pm PDT so that you can get all of your questions answered and feel motivated and inspired every week at whatever time works for your schedule
- Coaching calls are recorded and available to review if you miss a class or want to review something at your own pace
- Access to all of the recordings for an additional 6 weeks after the class ends

Still have questions?
Fill out this form for a free weight loss break through exploratory call with Ti!

Read the Amazing Praise participants have given us >
Dr. Ti Caudron, PhD is a pioneer in the development of revolutionary Weight Loss Cleanse Programs for women over 40 (and their husbands, sons and daughters!).
At Vitaliti Wellness, we combine the best research in whole food nutrition, genomics, metabolism and supplementation to provide easy, fun programs that make weight loss inevitable. And our passion is helping you live at your natural weight - fit, free and happy without regaining the weight!
During a Vitaliti Wellness Program, we use our Rapid Success Formula so that in the first month, you'll achieve:
- 10-25 pound reduction in body fat
- 2-4 inches off your waistline
- 1-3 size drops in clothing size
- Better muscle tone
- Decreased cellulite and firmer skin
- Disappear your food and sugar cravings
- Faster metabolism
- Increased energy
- Healthier hair and skin
- And so many health benefits!
Drawing from the most up to date, scientifically proven information, founder, Ti Caudron, PhD, is one of the world's best at developing and delivering programs that are easy to follow, fun, and effective.
Ti Caudron, PhD, the Creator of the Keto Cleanse, the Vitaliti RESET, the Zippi has and the new Gut Awesome! and the Weight Loss Break Through has successfully coached over 10,000 people through her programs. She is an expert at analyzing your metabolism using the latest technology to give you week-to-week feedback on your progress. Her insights and coaching will provide the lasting success you are searching for.
These programs are for you if you do well with clear structure, group support and accountability and personalized coaching.
Need Online, Start Anytime Classes?
Register for the Online RESET
Register for the Online Zippi
Register for the Online Keto Cleanse
We believe that when you find the eating style that is right for you, you experience an EASE that goes beyond weight loss.
"I (wanted to) tell you how much I appreciate what you and your program have meant to me this past year and a half. You really have dramatically changed my perspective of the meaning of life and indeed my life itself. Not just weight loss, though that has been an overwhelming source of satisfaction, but in so many ways I believe I have become a more engaged and better person as a direct result of your influence." ~ Jerry C.
Contact us at: info@vitalitiwellness.com