I woke up this morning feeling a little disoriented.I hope you don't mind if I get real with you today, and then I will get right to our CNN (Coronavirus Nutrition Notes) content: Part 2 of 7!
Tony is away in Connecticut for the 4th of July with his adult kids and his kids' friends, and I didn't want to fly or be in a house filled with people.
So I am home alone (with Teddy of course...)
I'm serious about protecting my health during coronavirus in a way that makes me feel a little isolated sometimes but extremely empowered when it comes to my nutrition.
I stay steadfast in my quarantine, eating a socially unacceptable amount of vegetables (Teddy doesn't judge), avoiding all ultra-processed foods, taking my supplements and getting my emotional food and motivation by connecting in our VitaliTi Zoom community.
Yesterday, my Mom sent me a picture of the whole family gathered at my brother's beautiful new home in Potomac, and I was surprised that I nearly burst into tears.


Do you ever feel like the Universe is giving you a sign that you are not alone like I did today?
Maybe this email is supposed to be your sign.
During this uncertain time, where many of us feel insecure and anxious, I hope you are as encouraged and inspired as I was by the confidence, hope, and clarity that rings so loudly through these 3 videos.
As I write the second installment of our CNN series , with the inspiration of the 4th of July, Joe, Marvin, Holly and all our clients...
I am thinking about what freedom means to us at VitaliTi in the context of Covid-19.
- Freedom found in the confidence that your nutritional choices are protecting your health
- Freedom from the worry that you and your family can't stop eating the comfort foods that are robbing you of your health and vitality and putting you at risk for getting sick
- Freedom from the hook of seemingly delicious yet disastrous foods that keep us a prisoner to bad health; aches and pains; low energy; moodiness and brain fog
- Freedom to enjoy the body that we are in right now, the health that we are already experiencing right now, as we continue to always strive for our optimal weight and health.
Take this Quiz now to see if your metabolic type might be the thing that is holding you back.
When you get your quiz results, watch the video on your results page and then leave a comment on this post with your Metabolic type.
I'll be waiting to provide you with some ideas that are helping Joe, Marvin and Holly move confidently, happily, and effortlessly on their path to better health.
No willpower required - that's the secret.
With love,
Your "Give it to you Straight from the Heart" Nutrition Coach,
You Cannot Afford to Ignore Your Health Right Now.
The coronavirus is still stalking us.
Do not pretend that you will be able to fix your nutrition later "when things go back to normal."
Do not ignore any symptoms of poor gut health, as your gut houses 80% of your immune cells.
No one can afford to neglect their nutrition right now.